"六十干支" (60 Kanshi) or "十干十二支" (10 Kan 12 Shi) are combinations of "十干" (10 Kan: Kou, Otsu, Hei, Tei, Bo, Ki, Kou, Shin, Jin, Ki) and "十二支" (12 Shi: Ne, Ushi, Tora, U, Tatsu, Mi, Uma, Hitsuji, Saru, Tori, Inu, I). 60 Kanshi or Sexagenary Cycle, originally came from China, is useful for counting long terms, like days or years.
10 Kan has some influence from "陰陽五行説" (the principles of Yin and Yang). "甲" means "木の兄" (Kinoe, big brother of tree), "乙" means "木の弟" (Kinoto, little brother of tree), "丙" means "火の兄" (Hinoe, big brother of fire), "丁" means "火の弟" (Hinoto, little brother of fire), "戊" means "土の兄" (Tsuchinoe, big brother of soil), "己" means "土の弟" (Tsuchinoto, little brother of soil), "庚" means "金の兄" (Kanoe, big brother of gold), "辛" means "金の弟" (Kanoto, little brother of gold), "壬" means "水の兄" (Mizunoe, big brother of water), "癸" means "水の弟" (Mizunoto, little brother of water).
12 Shi is used for counting months, hours, direction in the old days. They were originally just 12 marks which express the order of 12 months and later became familiar by the connection with animals.
This table shows the order of 60 Kanshi and its native Japanese and pseudo-Chinese reading. Usually "no" is inserted between little brother character of 10 Kan and 12 Shi.
No. | Name | Japanese | pseudo-Chinese |
1 | 甲子 | Kinoe Ne | Kasshi, Kou Shi |
2 | 乙丑 | Kinoto no Ushi | Icchyu (Itsu Chuu) |
3 | 丙寅 | Hinoe Tora | Hei In |
4 | 丁卯 | Hinoto no U | Tei Bou |
5 | 戊辰 | Tsuchinoe Tatsu | Bo Shin |
6 | 己巳 | Tsuchinoto no Mi | Ki Shi |
7 | 庚午 | Kanoe Uma | Kou Go |
8 | 辛未 | Kanoto no Hitsuji | Shin Bi |
9 | 壬申 | Mizunoe Saru | Jin Shin |
10 | 癸酉 | Mizunoto no Tori | Ki Yuu |
No. | Name | Japanese | pseudo-Chinese |
11 | 甲戌 | Kinoe Inu | Kou Jutsu |
12 | 乙亥 | Kinoto no I | Itsu Gai |
13 | 丙子 | Hinoe Ne | Hei Shi |
14 | 丁丑 | Hinoto no Ushi | Tei Chuu |
15 | 戊寅 | Tsuchinoe Tora | Bo In |
16 | 己卯 | Tsuchinoto no U | Ki Bou |
17 | 庚辰 | Kanoe Tatsu | Kou Shin |
18 | 辛巳 | Kanoto no Mi | Shin Shi |
19 | 壬午 | Mizunoe Uma | Jin Go |
20 | 癸未 | Mizunoto no Hitsuji | Ki Bi |
No. | Name | Japanese | pseudo-Chinese |
21 | 甲申 | Kinoe Saru | Kou Shin |
22 | 乙酉 | Kinoto no Tori | Itsu Yuu |
23 | 丙戌 | Hinoe Inu | Hei Jutsu |
24 | 丁亥 | Hinoto no I | Tei Gai |
25 | 戊子 | Tsuchinoe Ne | Bo Shi |
26 | 己丑 | Tsuchinoto no Ushi | Ki Chuu |
27 | 庚寅 | Kanoe Tora | Kou In |
28 | 辛卯 | Kanoto no U | Shin Bou |
29 | 壬辰 | Mizunoe Tatsu | Jin Shin |
30 | 癸巳 | Mizunoto no Mi | Ki Shi |
No. | Name | Japanese | pseudo-Chinese |
31 | 甲午 | Kinoe Uma | Kou Go |
32 | 乙未 | Kinoto no Hitsuji | Itsu Bi |
33 | 丙申 | Hinoe Saru | Hei Shin |
34 | 丁酉 | Hinoto no Tori | Tei Yuu |
35 | 戊戌 | Tsuchinoe Inu | Bo Jutsu |
36 | 己亥 | Tsuchinoto no I | Ki Gai |
37 | 庚子 | Kanoe Ne | Kou Shi |
38 | 辛丑 | Kanoto no Ushi | Shin Chuu |
39 | 壬寅 | Mizunoe Tora | Jin In |
40 | 癸卯 | Mizunoto no U | Ki Bou |
No. | Name | Japanese | pseudo-Chinese |
41 | 甲辰 | Kinoe Tatsu | Kou Shin |
42 | 乙巳 | Kinoto no Mi | Itsu Shi |
43 | 丙午 | Hinoe Uma | Hei Go |
44 | 丁未 | Hinoto no Hitsuji | Tei Bi |
45 | 戊申 | Tsuchinoe Saru | Bo Shin |
46 | 己酉 | Tsuchinoto no Tori | Ki Yuu |
47 | 庚戌 | Kanoe Inu | Kou Jutsu |
48 | 辛亥 | Kanoto no I | Shin Gai |
49 | 壬子 | Mizunoe Ne | Jin Shi |
50 | 癸丑 | Mizunoto no Ushi | Ki Chuu |
No. | Name | Japanese | pseudo-Chinese |
51 | 甲寅 | Kinoe Tora | Kou In |
52 | 乙卯 | Kinoto no U | Itsu Bou |
53 | 丙辰 | Hinoe Tatsu | Hei Shin |
54 | 丁巳 | Hinoto no Mi | Tei Shi |
55 | 戊午 | Tsuchinoe Uma | Bo Go |
56 | 己未 | Tsuchinoto no Hitsuji | Ki Bi |
57 | 庚申 | Kanoe Saru | Kou Shin |
58 | 辛酉 | Kanoto no Tori | Shin Yuu |
59 | 壬戌 | Mizunoe Inu | Jin Jutsu |
60 | 癸亥 | Mizunoto no I | Ki Gai |
As you can see above, there are 2 groups in 60 Kanshi. One is made up of "甲", "丙", "戊", "庚" and "壬" from 10 Kan and "子", "寅", "辰", "午", "申" and "戌" from 12 Shi, and the other is made up of "乙", "丁", "己", "辛" and "癸" from 10 Kan and "丑", "卯", "巳", "未", "酉" and "亥" from 12 Shi. Counting with 60 Kanshi starts with "甲子" and ends with "癸亥", and after that just goes back to "甲子" and repeats the same procedure again and again.
"還暦" (return of calendar) means 60 years old since 60 years old person completes all combinations of yearly Kanshi and returns to the same Kanshi for the year when he or she was born.