Reki Yoko Reiwa 8 (2026)
February 3rd, 2025, announced by NAOJ
Sunrise and Sunset in Tokyo Reiwa 8 (2026)
Sunrise and Sunset in Tokyo (1)
Date | JCST |
Sunrise | Sunset |
January 1st | 6h51m | 16h38m |
January 11th | 6h51m | 16h47m |
January 21st | 6h48m | 16h57m |
January 31st | 6h42m | 17h07m |
February 10th | 6h33m | 17h17m |
February 20th | 6h23m | 17h27m |
March 2nd | 6h10m | 17h37m |
March 12th | 5h57m | 17h46m |
March 22nd | 5h42m | 17h54m |
April 1st | 5h28m | 18h02m |
April 11th | 5h14m | 18h11m |
April 21st | 5h01m | 18h19m |
May 1st | 4h50m | 18h27m |
May 11th | 4h40m | 18h36m |
May 21st | 4h32m | 18h44m |
May 31st | 4h27m | 18h51m |
June 10th | 4h25m | 18h56m |
June 20th | 4h25m | 19h00m |
June 30th | 4h28m | 19h01m |
Sunrise and Sunset in Tokyo (2)
Date | JCST |
Sunrise | Sunset |
July 10th | 4h33m | 18h59m |
July 20th | 4h40m | 18h55m |
July 30th | 4h47m | 18h47m |
August 9th | 4h55m | 18h38m |
August 19th | 5h03m | 18h26m |
August 29th | 5h10m | 18h13m |
September 8th | 5h18m | 17h59m |
September 18th | 5h25m | 17h45m |
September 28th | 5h33m | 17h30m |
October 8th | 5h41m | 17h16m |
October 18th | 5h50m | 17h02m |
October 28th | 5h59m | 16h51m |
November 7th | 6h08m | 16h41m |
November 17th | 6h18m | 16h33m |
November 27th | 6h28m | 16h29m |
December 7th | 6h37m | 16h28m |
December 17th | 6h44m | 16h30m |
December 27th | 6h49m | 16h35m |